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Let's get ALL of that breastmilk fat!

By Alanna Iacovetti

As with any chilled milk container, a fatty ring can form on the sides of your Chiller chamber. While this is completely normal when dealing with refrigerated milk, we know that it can be frustrating! 

Even though it’s not a huge issue if all of the milk fat doesn’t get into the bottle your baby drinks, you want to make sure that you get as much of that fatty milk as possible. Breastmilk fat is important for a baby’s weight gain and brain development and also works to keep them full and helps control their appetite.

If you find that you’re having a tough time removing the particles from the Chiller chambers, we’ve got some tips for you!

Shake or swirl the milk

Gently shaking or swirling the chiller before transferring your milk is an amazing way to mix the fatty layer back into the milk.

Run cool water over the outside of the chamber

If you’re using the 12oz chilling method with your milk in the inner chamber, running cool water over the outside over the chamber helps to release most particles left along the inside.

Fill the inner chamber with warm water

This one is for our moms who are using the outer chamber to store their milk! To easily get the breast milk fat off of the outside of the inner chamber when your milk is in the outer chamber, just dump out the water and ice in the inner chamber and fill it with warm water. Gently swirl the chiller to help release the fats. This may take one or two tries but it works perfectly to get all of the good stuff back into your milk. Check out how to use this hack here: Breast Milk Fat Removal

Use a silicone spatula 

If you’re still having trouble removing the fat, you can use a silicone spatula to gently remove the fatty layer and transfer it into your storage bags or baby bottle.

Overall, the Chiller’s stainless steel chambers are much less porous than plastic, so the transfer from Ceres Chill typically doesn’t result in a significant loss. Although nothing is 100%, Ceres Chill moms have noted that the loss is significantly less with their Chiller than with other milk storage containers.

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